My loop is bigger than yours. jk. Forgive them for they know not what they do. I will to know the Truth, and yet my ignorance knows no bounds. Are despair and depravity my sins or birthright? How much pain can One endure progressing through the loops before blessed insanity is the only reality to be found? Asking for a friend. I love you Mr. Elias. Please make more. God bless. 🙏✌️
A brilliant and succinct model, Mike. This'll be useful for me in sizing up where myself and others are at. I had a thought that perhaps people's loops, when aggregated, generally map to levels of development like Maslow's Hierarchy, or spiral dynamics Value Memes? Fascinating as always!
My loop is bigger than yours. jk. Forgive them for they know not what they do. I will to know the Truth, and yet my ignorance knows no bounds. Are despair and depravity my sins or birthright? How much pain can One endure progressing through the loops before blessed insanity is the only reality to be found? Asking for a friend. I love you Mr. Elias. Please make more. God bless. 🙏✌️
A brilliant and succinct model, Mike. This'll be useful for me in sizing up where myself and others are at. I had a thought that perhaps people's loops, when aggregated, generally map to levels of development like Maslow's Hierarchy, or spiral dynamics Value Memes? Fascinating as always!