Stupid people are much maligned.
There’s no shame in being not very smart.
Saying “I’m not very smart” is like saying “I’m not very good at cooking.” It’s not a big deal. Who decided being smart is so important? Being smart is not what makes a person good or valuable.
Stupid people might have a low IQ, a low level of education, or might have grown up in an environment that’s hostile to independent thought. They might have mental health issues or emotional wounds that prevent them from thinking clearly. They might be victims of government or corporate propaganda, which they had innocently trusted with their worldviews, only to become pawns in someone’s agenda of conquest.
None of these are their fault.
And yet, stupid people are blamed for all of society’s problems, scapegoated as the reason the world is as full of suffering as it is.
The real enemy is not stupid people — it’s evil behavior. Lying, manipulation, warmongering, sabotage, conspiracy. And lots of smart people do evil.
Evil people exploit the innocent trust of stupid people the way sexual predators exploit the innocent trust of children.
The conflation of smartness with goodness is a psy-op by smart people to make morality less relevant. It frames the battle of good vs evil as a battle of smart vs stupid. This justifies smart people in doing whatever evil they want, silencing moral objections from “intellectual inferiors,” and blaming a scapegoat for when this leads to bad outcomes:
“If people weren’t so stupid, my super-smart plan would have worked!”
If you’re so smart, why didn’t you account for the existence of stupid people in your plan?
There will always be stupid people. They will always deserve love and respect, same as anyone else.
Stupid Lives Matter.
I'm gonna counter-signal this one. Stupid has the ability to do evil and then claim "I didn't know!" as an excuse when their actions harm others. Every bad thing that has anyone has ever done to me over the course of my life, ignorance or "stupid" was the excuse, not malice or exploitation. Give me smart sociopaths over stupid with power and authority any day.