The Passion of the... You
I’ve always heard phrases like “we must restrain our passions,” and also “the passion of the Christ” — and been confused.
I just learned the difference —
a passion in the first case refers to an emotion
a passion in the second case is the noun form of “passive.”
A passion is a thing that is accomplished passively — by allowing, bearing, suffering, enduring.
Act-ive, pass-ive.
Act-ion, pass-ion.
Much of the emotional work truth-loving requires, is micro-passions.
It seems unlikely you’ll need to get literally crucified, but the principle is the same: voluntary suffering, for a worthy reason.
Willingly bearing the pain of our emotional reactions against new ideas, in order to reconstitute our emotional architecture on truth, and trust in truth — instead of on our beliefs, and on our defenses against understanding anything contrary to them.
Micro-passions are how we conquer our preference for delusion.
No pain, no brain.