MemeVC: School shootings
MemeVC refers to taking the VC approach to deciding what to believe: “buy into” a lot of crazy, obscure things that might be false, because the benefits of being right 1 time, outweigh the costs of looking foolish 99 other times.
“Rationality is risk management,” said Taleb.
What if we take that seriously?
The Texas shootings are shrouded in confusion and disbelief. Absurd, unexplainable things happened:
1 — “Why wouldn’t the police go in and protect the children?”

2 — “Why is the police radio recording missing?”

3 — “If Uvalde was part of an AI program that monitors social media for threats and potential shooters, why didn’t it help at all?”

Hypothesis: The FBI or CIA orchestrated or supported the shooting in some way.
If this is even vaguely accurate, it has great explanatory power:
The police didn’t protect the children because they were told not to.
The police radio recording is missing because it would incriminate them.
The AI program was used to monitor potential recruits, not “threats.”
I know — the implications are unthinkable — but set that aside for a moment, and notice how easily that fits together, compared to the endless dissembling of official sources.
And there is a hell of a lot of circumstantial evidence.
Here are a few places to start:
The FBI was “helpfully tracking” potential shooters in Buffalo too
The Buffalo gunman was regularly communicating with a former federal agent before the shooting

The Buffalo shooter killed someone who was building a water-powered car engine (another guy who did this was also murdered)
One cop (whose wife was shot) tried to stop the shooter, but was prevented from doing so.

State and local officials, including the Governor, are fighting to keep police records sealed

David Hogg, a Parkland shooting survivor and prominent anti-gun activist, publicly shares that his father and grandfather were in the CIA, did stuff he can’t even believe, and he suspects his college classmates are joining as well:

This suspicion is as old as the phenomenon of mass shootings:

I’m probably the 50 millionth person to suspect this. The evidence I’ve shared is far from conclusive, but is hopefully enough to convince you an investigation is merited.
As the story unfolds, see if this hypothesis doesn’t look increasingly plausible.
After all — if there’s only a 1% chance that it’s true — shouldn’t we find out for sure?